With each year and new people getting involved with the foundation we continually have events that are in the works. Here you can find out what upcoming events we have and how you can participate in them!


June 17th-19th: Five Below Embraces the Bif!

If you shop at Five Below the weekend of June 17th-19th in the Green Oaks Brighton Mall, just show them the flyer on your phone (you can print it out too) and 10% of sales from the weekend will go right to Carter & Friends; it’s that easy!

June 24th-26th: Five Below Embraces the Bif… Again!

Wasn’t able to go to Five Below the weekend before for any shopping? Have no fear, you can go this weekend too! Same rules apply as above.

June 24th: Event at Beaverton Bowl & Lounge

One of the Fetal Surgery moms from C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital is putting together a fundraising event in honor of her son, Cruz, and his story of fetal surgery and Spina Bifida. Please be on the lookout soon with more information!

July 2016: 2nd Annual ‘Getting Thermo for Mott’

Just like last year, we are teaming up with the thirty-one gift company and trying to raise money to purchase different thermos bags for Mott NICU Moms. These thermos bags will be given to moms whose babies are still in the NICU as a little message that they are not alone and we are here to support them. Each bag is filled with snacks, drinks, notepads and pens, and a message of hope. More details to come soon as to how you can get involved!

TBD: Buffalo Wild Wings 2nd Annual Embrace the Bif… Again!

We are looking forward to teaming up with Buffalo Wild Wings for a second time this year to hold another event. This will be happening in the fall so check back on a date later in the year.

TBD: Carter & Friends 2nd Annual Open Swim

When we started our first event of the year we were thrilled to work with the Howell Area Aquatic Center and we are looking forward to working with them again for another open swim. What is it? Just show up to the pool and have a good time swimming and meeting new people. Carter & Friends will be there and just ask for a donation to attend the event and maybe learn some cool new things about Spina Bifida you may not have known before. We are in the process of picking a date now so check back soon for a finalized date.